Is this site really PHP-Fusion?
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Is this site really PHP-Fusion?

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Is this site really PHP-Fusion?
I love PHPFusion too but wow at first look at your community/project website! I love the site, it looks very nice and I wonder is this really made with PHPFusion or other CMS (Drupal was first I thinked).   By default PHPFusion don't have bottom link rows, navigation (advanced with dropdown menu), I can't add login/registration to the top and etc. Really articles and downloads and forum(a little) looks only like PHP-Fusion ones Smile

I wanted to make my own website based on PHPFusion like this one, but I don't know how to make bottom links in rows, buttons to look similiar and jQuery (w/e) dropdown menus. Is it really hard to modify skin or program other things like blocks and panels to get effect like this there?

Of course this site is PHP-Fusion all of it is. Look in the downloads you can find this theme there.
Thank you very much Fangree_Craig. Didn't know Php-Fusion can handle such themes :] I used v6 and recently switched to v7.
I've found this here: http://www.php-fu...ddon_id=55 Smile even Polish translation exists so its very nice!

I don't like Drupal even if I know how to use it, and SMF was just forums script so I changed to something that has nice(but could be better Grin) forum and is easy to use with lots of features

Yeah its phpfusion. Its quite amazing. Ive seen some nice sites made in phpfusion. especially from jikaka. Hes an amazing designer and have done custom work for me before.
@honeyy, thx, you flatter meWink
jikaka wrote:

@honeyy, thx, you flatter meWink

Pfft jikaka you are One of the best IMO. Wink

@Fangree_Craig, you're wrongPfft
jikaka wrote:

@Fangree_Craig, you're wrongPfft

I will not argue with you publicly but I am right you are one of the best theme designers. Grin

Craig, you almost not seen my work, why do you think so?
ahh reminds me jikara. do you have msn or something? I have something i need to ask you.
Well I have seen your work in the Addons DB man. Pfft
ahh reminds me jikara.

who is this?Cool
Well I have seen your work in the Addons DB man.

jikaka wrote:

ahh reminds me jikara.

who is this?Cool
Well I have seen your work in the Addons DB man.


LOL.. i mailed you Smile


Создан: June 15 2013 19:23:09.  Reads: 93